Vicky's Page

This page contains a mix of Fantasy: mermaids, dragons, faeries, unicorns...

and Ancient Civilizations

I only have links that come with the Ancient Civilizations for the moment, so you'll have to make do

The Ancient World Web basically all-round about the ancient cultures

The Ancient Egyptians

Life in Ancient Egypt which includes chronology, Natural World, Daily Life, Gods and Religion and funerary customs

The Magic and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt looks good, never tried it though.

Ancient Greeks:

Links to Greek Mythology basically what it says. Lots of good sites here.

Greek Mythology REALLY good site. Got an index on like every greek character alive, and all this cool other stuff.

I will be moving my belongings in shortly.

Anyways, This site will be about things I like, such as mermaids, unicorns, faeries, and I hope to include plenty of stories (becuase that's what the point of fantasy is) and stuff. Unforunately, being incurably lazy I will probably start out by just giving you some links first. I will also include some other stuff I come across in the links like Webmonkey and the Anti-Banana Society.

If you're really supposed to be doing work, hit the down button and you'll scroll to the serious part of my page. History and Social Studies.

have fun!

In the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own 20MB of free webspace?

Serious study material for the incredibly smart
    In this page, I will be helping you along with your tiring research by including many helpful links such as ones to serious websites.

    I will have stuff on Ancient Civilizations like Egypt and Greece, plus recent-day stuff on Nigeria and Peru.

Favorite Links

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